Common Interview Questions that you unknowingly falter on - How to answer them deftly

35+ Common Interview Questions You Often Falter On – How to Answer Them Masterfully

99% job seekers “unknowingly” falter when answering these 35+ Common Interview Questions.

These questions seem simple but are tricky in their own way!

Interviews can be a daunting experience. Your heart is pounding with anticipation. You need to handle huge interview anxiety. You can’t help but wonder what questions the interviewer will ask.

While there are hundreds of interview questions, some of the most popular include asking about your qualifications, why you want the job, your strengths and weaknesses, any difficult situations they’ve faced in the past, and how they overcame them. 

Suppose you’re in the process of preparing for an upcoming interview. In that case, it can help to know what types of questions employers typically ask, so that you can prepare yourself better to present your best self confidently. 

To help you with this, we’ve collected 35 commonly asked interview questions that look simple but are tricky in their own ways. They range from being the icebreakers to extensive inquiries about career goals and experience.

So you have all the information at your fingertips before going into that big meeting with your potential employer.

Let’s dive in…

35+ Common Interview Questions that most job seekers fail to Answer Effectively

Let us go over them one by one.

1. Tell me about Yourself

At first glance, this question may seem easy to answer, but to ace it, you need to understand why the interviewer is asking it in the first place. They don’t want your life story or even what you had for dinner last night. 

Instead, they are looking for how your personality and experience can relate to the job. If you understand this and adjust your answer accordingly, you’ll be sure to make a good impression. 

This is one interview question that you want to prepare really well. It builds your first impression on the interviewers. And as you can imagine, it can make or break your chances of getting selected.

These 2 articles are specifically written to prepare you thoroughly.
  1. How to Impressively Answer – Tell Us About Yourself
  2. 20 Strong Sample Answers for – Tell Me About Yourself

After all, if the interviewer has a better understanding of who you are and why you may be right for the job, they can feel comfortable investing their time in talking with you further.

Sample Answer –

“I’m an experienced professional passionate about problem-solving and unique solutions. I thrive in environments where I can collaborate with colleagues and learn something new daily. I’m never afraid to tackle any challenge, no matter its complexity, and I think out of the box to develop creative solutions that address tough problems. Outside work, I enjoy spending time with my family and exploring the outdoors. Traveling is also an integral part of my life, as it helps me get a new perspective on the world around us and develop innovative ideas.

2. What is your greatest professional achievement?

When you are asked about your achievements, the interviewer tries to gain insight into a few important things about you.

  1. They want to see “what” you consider as your achievement
  2. They want to know where your achievements happened
  3. Employers want to understand your key skills and your core strengths

They also want to see your humbleness when you talk about your achievements. It is important that your idea of success is in sync with their expectations for the job.

If you want to answer this question properly, read the following:
  1. How to Effectively Answer – What are your Achievements?
  2. 27 Crisp and Impactful Answers for – What is Your Greatest Achievement?

Although this question may seem difficult initially, it can allow you to showcase the best parts of your personality and ambitions.

Sample Answer – 

My greatest professional achievement to date was when I spearheaded a customer service improvement initiative for a large multinational company. I identified key areas of improvement and worked with stakeholders at all levels of the organization to develop and implement a comprehensive plan that included process improvements, customer feedback mechanisms, and employee training initiatives. 

The results of this initiative were impressive: we saw a dramatic increase in customer satisfaction and a significant improvement in our overall service delivery. This experience was immensely rewarding for me, both professionally and personally.

3. Why do you want to leave your current job?

Many employers understand that your performance in your previous company can be a valuable indicator to judge how you may do in the new job. Your achievements may be truly impressive.

But, considering how expensive it is to hire and replace employees, recruiters do their best to bring in only the right candidates. So they ask various questions during the job interview to understand your past better. 

One such question is, “Why did you leave your last job?” Through this, recruiters assess whether the individual was fired. If so, why did it happen?

Once they know the details, they want to see if this can happen again if they hire you. So, a careful assessment is crucial for them to determine if there are any red flags before deciding who is hired.

Learn 6 good reasons to mention and 5 bad ones to avoid when answering – Why Did You Leave your Current Job?

Sample Answer –

I feel that my current job is no longer challenging me in ways that help to further my career. I am looking for a new opportunity where I can gain more knowledge and experience and be able to grow professionally. Additionally, the position you offer has capabilities and responsibilities that would challenge me to use my skills to benefit the organization and me.

4. What is your Ideal Work Environment?

Being able to fit into an organization’s working environment is a key skill, as different companies look for very different qualities from their employees. 

For instance, if you’re looking to join a more established company with lots of hierarchy and structure, you need to be prepared for things like strict regulations and guidelines about completing tasks. 

This environment isn’t the best fit for someone who likes to think outside the box or push the boundaries – it may be far better suited to someone who prefers working within predefined parameters. 

However, the rules might be much less rigid if you find yourself in a startup business or another more laid-back company atmosphere. This could be just what the visionary go-getters out there are looking for – a space where innovation is valued over bureaucracy.

To understand and answer this interview question better, Read –
  1. How to Answer – What is your Ideal Work Environment?
  2. 32 Carefully Crafted Sample Answers for – What is your Ideal Work Environment?

Sample Answer –

“My ideal work environment values teamwork and collaboration, encourages open communication, and sets high standards for excellence. In addition, I value an environment with a diverse range of perspectives, where everyone feels comfortable voicing their opinion respectfully. I also believe in having fun while working hard- creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and enthusiasm can help to improve productivity and team morale. Lastly, I appreciate organizations focusing on professional growth through ongoing training opportunities and mentorship programs.”

5. What is your Biggest Fear?

An interviewer is likely asking this type of query to determine how you deal with stressful situations which are often triggered by fears you have. They want to understand more about your character. They may also get some insight into your shortcomings.

Therefore, it is important to avoid answers that portray you negatively, such as “I’m scared I won’t succeed”. Instead highlighting qualities that make you unique, such as your ability to step up and face challenges despite fear. 

Furthermore, avoid giving generic, unengaging answers like “failure” and focus on discussing an original thought related to the position or the company.

Check these articles to understand how you handle interview questions about your fears:
  1. How to Smartly Answer – What is your Biggest Fear?
  2. 31 Handy Example of – What is Your Biggest Fear Answers

By the way, you definitely want to learn the biggest fears that can hold back your career growth!

Sample Answer –

“My biggest fear is not living life to the fullest. Of course, I want to make the most of every opportunity, but sometimes it can be difficult to take risks and explore new things. I’m afraid that by staying in my comfort zone, I’ll miss out on amazing experiences and my chance at true happiness. That’s why I try to challenge myself daily and face my fears head-on. “

6. Why did you apply for this position?

Interviewers ask, “Why did you apply for this position?” for many reasons. First, they want to gain insight into why you think this particular job is a good fit for your experience and skill set. 

They also want to understand the factors motivating you. They are wondering, what makes this job compelling to you, personally and professionally?

So it’s important that you are honest in your answer. Avoid responding with generic language like “I heard it pays well” or “It seemed interesting.” 

Responses such as those could indicate to an interviewer that you didn’t care enough about the job to research it ahead of time or thoroughly explore what kind of work is involved. 

Instead, focus on specific skills or responsibilities that appeal to you while emphasizing how they’re a great opportunity for growth and professional development.

Take a Deep dive to understand how to answer this question with –

How to Smartly Answer – Why did you apply for this position?

Sample Answer –

“I applied for this position because it aligns perfectly with my skill set and interests. I have the qualifications and experience needed to excel in this role, and I am passionate about the industry and mission of your organization. I believe my skills can help contribute to the success of this company. I am eager for an opportunity to grow professionally and learn new skills that will benefit me in future roles.”

7. What Motivates You?

First, it’s important to understand what this question means. It suggests that the interviewer wants to know what drives you. He wants to know – What makes you passionate, energetic, and eager to do your best work?

Therefore, while answering, it’s necessary to articulate something deeper than simply talking about the results or rewards. It is important to discuss the internal drive that gets you motivated to deliver those performances. 

You may have gone above and beyond in delivering on a project. If so, dig into the details of how it exactly happened. What did you feel while going through it? What made you cross the line? And finally what pushed you to deliver above and beyond?

On the other hand, expressing extrinsic goals such as bonuses or salary should never be mentioned as your motivator. These are temporary motivations rather than intrinsic ones that truly show insight into your professional self.

To learn more about answering questions about your motivation, read :
  1. How to skillfully answer – What Motivates You?
  2. 32 Powerful Sample Answers for – What Motivates You?

Sample Answer –

“I’m motivated by challenges, achievement, and working with a team of like-minded people to create something special. I take pride in my work and strive to improve myself and the things around me. Being able to recognize small wins along the way helps fuel my motivation as well. Finally, I’m driven by a desire to be successful and make an impact on those who benefit from what I do.”

8. Do you think you are overqualified for this job?

Every job-seeker dreads hearing the fateful words “Do you think you’re overqualified for this job?” in an interview. It is a question fraught with subtle implications. If answered incorrectly, it can cost you some of the most interesting job opportunities. 

Interviewers want to know whether your skill set indicates that you may be more at home in a higher-level position than what you are currently being considered for. They are wondering how motivated you would be to take on the job’s responsibilities. 

Responding tactfully without undermining your qualifications is key. It is not wise to answer with a passive acceptance of being “overqualified” or imply that the job is beneath you.

Most likely, employers are trying to gauge your enthusiasm and commitment to their particular role in order to determine your suitability as a hire.

Prepare yourself well to answer interview questions about your overqualification with –

Do you think you are Overqualified for the job?

Sample Answer –

“No, I don’t think that I’m overqualified for this job. My skills and experience are an asset to the role, and while they may exceed what is required in some areas, I also bring enthusiasm and a commitment to learning new things. So, overall I feel like my qualifications are appropriate for the position.”

9. Tell me something about yourself That is NOT Written in Your Resume

This is a very interview question. It allows interviewers to understand you beyond your resume.

It may be your career interests, achievements, skills, or strengths that you may have not mentioned on the resume. They may get a chance to hear about your values, goals, and character. This can reveal impressive facets of your skills or character that can be difficult to see just by looking at a resume. 

This question also allows the interviewer to assess your communication abilities. Not only are they evaluating what you say but how you choose to express yourself. 

Use it as an opportunity to delve into your experiences or undertakings that can make you far more interesting to the interviewer. What should you not say? Try to avoid topics such as religion or politics since they can quickly turn confrontational.

You want to learn more about answering this interview question with –

Tell me about yourself that is NOT written in your resume.

Sample Answer –

“Outside of my work, my passion is traveling, which is one of the best ways to broaden our horizons. Exploring different countries can be a great mental escape and a way to learn about and appreciate the world’s diversity. Every time I visit another country, I am struck both by the beauty of its nature and its unique culture with all of its customs and traditions. So traveling for me isn’t just about enjoying amazing sights but also learning more about myself in every place I visit.”

10. How will you deal with Feedback And Criticism Answer?

This question is asked to ensure that the person they hire can take direction, learn from their mistakes, and always strive to improve. Being able to accept constructive criticism with a positive attitude and use it as an opportunity for growth is an important professional skill. 

When your answer it, you must stay focused on how you would handle feedback rather than provide negative examples of what has happened in the past. 

For example, you may be tempted to talk about how you had trouble with a former boss who was overly critical and dismissive. A better response may be something such as ‘I’m open to hearing all feedback, both positive and negative. It helped me improve my work going forward in this way.’ 

By phrasing your response in terms of future goals instead of past experiences, you show your dedication to learning and growing without risking speaking negatively about any prior experience.

Learn how to skillfully answer interview questions on feedback and criticism with –

How to Smartly Answer – How will you deal with feedback and criticism?

Sample Answer –

“I believe that recognizing and responding to feedback and criticism are key components of personal growth. Therefore, I am always open to constructive feedback, as it allows me to learn from others and make improvements. To handle feedback and criticism, I assess where the comment comes from, objectively weigh its merits, and consider its potential implications for my goals or objectives. I also reflect on what changes need to be made, if any, take actionable steps towards implementing those changes if necessary, and thank the person for their input.” 

11. What was your Biggest Failure?

The question itself can be one of the most daunting things that anyone can ever ask you. And if it is asked during an interview, it can feel extremely tricky to you. You will often be uncertain of what you can about.

Interviewers know that failure is inevitable in every person’s journey. Asking about your biggest failure can give them an opportunity to shake you a bit. This in turn can unlock many little things they would like to know about you from your response.

They want to see how you handle failure … How you respond to it .. What is your approach when you deal with a loss .. What happens to you once you go through a defeat.

For you, it’s best to focus your answer on how you learned from the experience. Avoid blaming or making excuses. Mentioning one or two key takeaways can show the interviewer your resilience and awareness of areas you need to work on. This can ultimately show your possibility to grow as a professional. 

While batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar is worshipped across the world, an equally talented and capable batsman Vinod Kambli never made it big! The difference? – While Sachin could handle his failures effectively, Kambli found it hard to overcome his!

Learn how to intelligently answer this common interview question with this article –

How to Answer without Failing – What is your Biggest Failure?

Sample Answer –

“My biggest failure was a project I worked on for months that didn’t turn out as expected. Despite all my hard work and dedication, the project wasn’t successful because of different factors, including incorrect assumptions about the market, lack of resources, and misunderstandings between team members. After this experience, I learned how important it is to ask questions and get clarifications when uncertain, properly plan projects before jumping in head first, and ensure everyone is on the same page when working in a team.” 

12. What are your Career Aspirations?

One of the main goals of an interviewer is to assess how well your career aspirations align with their vision for the job. As such, when asked about your career aspirations, it’s important to think about this question carefully and ensure that what you say aligns the direction of the role to which you are applying. 

It’s best to try and focus on long-term goals and not just the immediate opening. Things like company culture and workplace values should also be taken into account.

What interviewers want to see is your clarity. They want to know how you look at your career … How deeply have you thought about it … What inspires you … Can they provide you with a path towards it.

If hired after knowing this, the chances of you sticking to their company can be high.

2 Articles which will make you a pro in answering questions on career aspirations –
  1. How to Effectively Answer – What are your Career Aspirations?
  2. 30+ Quality Sample Answers for – What are your Career Aspirations?

Sample Answer –

“My career aspirations are to continue growing professionally within my expertise while taking on more challenging roles and responsibilities. I am highly motivated to take on new projects and opportunities that help me develop my skills and expand my knowledge base, allowing me to contribute significantly to the success of an organization. Ultimately, I’m striving for a management or leadership role where I can mentor others and direct their efforts toward achieving collective goals.”

13. Why have you been unemployed for such a long time?

Interviewers ask this question when gaps appear between periods of employment listed on your resume.

Your knee-jerk reaction can be a rambling answer to defend yourself. You may blabber about what took place during that time, it can raise some red flags and lead to a negative hiring decision. 

It’s important to avoid common pitfalls like sounding defensive, making excuses, or blaming someone else – all things that can land a potential employer in hot water. Instead, be honest but concise. 

Explain specific steps you took (or are planning to take) to become more employable if needed. Mention any skills developed through volunteer activities or temporary jobs.

If you had a career gap, you must prepare for this common interview question carefully with –

How to intelligently Answer – Why have you been unemployed for such a long time?

Sample Answer –

“I have been unemployed for a long time because I wanted to ensure that the next job I take is the right fit for me. I didn’t want to rush into something just out of desperation and regret it later. So instead, I researched opportunities and looked into companies that align with my values, skills, and interests. After careful consideration, I am confident this next opportunity will be a great fit for me.”

14. What are your achievements? 

This question is especially faced by freshers. This is because they have generally very less or no work experience. With experienced professionals, one can explore their challenges or projects.

But, how can someone achieve anything if they just started out? As you prepare to answer the question, there’s one thing: It’s all in how you look at it. While it’s true that most freshers don’t have extensive work experience to point to, many of us still have something we can be proud of achieving. 

As such, it’s important to focus more on the journey and less on the result when discussing your accomplishments in an interview. Remember that employers are interested in knowing what you’ve learned and how those experiences will benefit their company. They want to know why these experiences are achievements for you!

Prepare your answer carefully to common interview questions on achievements with –
  1. How to Impactfully Answer – What are your achievements?
  2. 27 Crisp and Impactful Sample Answers for – What is your Greatest Achiemvent?

You can also lead the interviewer to ask you about your achievements by mentioning your biggest achievements in your resume smartly. Check –

80+ Impressive Examples of Achievements in a Resume

Sample Answer –

“As a fresher, I have achieved several goals and milestones. My most notable achievement is receiving an academic scholarship for my first year in college. Additionally, I participated in several extracurricular activities during this period and gained valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. I also completed an internship program that exposed me to the industry and enabled me to develop my professional network.”

15. Are you Applying for other Jobs? 

This can be an intimidating question. You instinctively do not want to talk about it during the interview. You dear that the interviewer may become disinterested in you.

But regardless of how you answer, it’s important to remain calm and professional throughout the conversation. While honesty is the best policy in any interview, remember to always speak positively about your job search. 

Try to make it sound like a positive experience, even if you don’t have any luck finding employment elsewhere. Don’t criticize former employers or list all unsuccessful applications – think of it as a networking opportunity instead. 

How to talk about your other job applications during the interview –

Are you applying for other jobs? – Answer Intelligently

Sample Answer –

“Yes, I am currently applying for other jobs. I’m actively looking for roles that will help me to develop my skills and experience further. I believe exploring new opportunities can help me grow professionally and personally, so this is my priority right now.”

16. How do you handle Stress and Pressure?

Interviewers want to understand your ability to remain cool and collected under stress and pressure. Unfortunately, stressful moments can cause us all to make decisions we may regret, especially when it comes to the workplace. 

So, interviewers are interested in learning how candidates handle stressful working environments. The key is not to become too flustered and not let your emotions take over when answering this question. It is best to avoid saying that you don’t experience stress, as this could be seen as naive and unprepared for the job. It can even make you look like a liar during the interview.

Therefore, it is wise to talk about strategies that you use to keep yourself calm when things become overwhelming. It will serve you big time if you can explain it with real-life examples.

Prepare thoroughly for the interview questions on stress and pressure with –
  1. How do you handle Stress and Pressure? – Answer Wisely
  2. 20+ Powerful Sample Answers for – How do you handle Stress and Pressure?

Sample Answer –

“I handle stress and pressure in several ways. First, I focus on breaking down complex tasks into manageable chunks and use a step-by-step approach to complete the task. I also practice mindfulness, take regular daily breaks, and stay active by exercising regularly.”

17. Are you good at time management?

Some jobs are inherently faced paced. There are many things to handle on day to day basis. This is where your ability to manage your time becomes a key skill.

It’s a great opportunity to showcase your best qualities: focus, efficiency, and reliability. However, some answers could inadvertently reflect badly on you. 

Instead of talking about long-term projects or other generalized examples when answering this question, it may be better to bring up specific accomplishments over a designated period of time. 

Saying “I’m good at managing my time” without providing examples won’t necessarily demonstrate competence in the eyes of the interviewer and can invite skepticism instead.

Know how to answer time management related interview questions with –

How to intelligently answer – Are you good at time management?

Sample Answer –

“Yes, I’m good at time management. As a fresher, I could juggle my academic studies and extracurricular activities while also participating in an internship program. Through this experience, I have become better organized and more efficient in managing my time. As a result, I feel confident that I can prioritize tasks and meet deadlines effectively.”

18. Why do you want this job?

This question is often a make-or-break moment. What you say can give them the confidence to hire you or lead to your resume winding up in the discard pile. The key thing to remember, though, is what you should never say. 

No matter how tempting it may be to cuss out the competition or criticize your current employer, resist the impulse. These comments paint a negative picture and won’t help put you in a positive light with prospective employers. 

Stick to simple, honest answers that show why this particular job is right for you. Highlight qualifications that match the requirements and emphasize how your skills will contribute to success. 

Study how to answer questions about your interest in a job opportunity with –

Why do you want this job? – 10+ Carefully Written Sample Answers


50+ Sample Answers for – Why are you interested in this position?

Sample Answer –

“I am excited to apply my knowledge and experience in software engineering to this position. I have a strong desire to grow as an engineer and positively impact the organization I work for. Additionally, I am drawn by the potential for personal growth and development and the opportunity to become part of a team that shares their knowledge and expertise in software engineering.”

19. Why should we hire you?

Every job interview has a crucial moment when an employer asks: “Why should we hire you?”. This can be your make-or-break question in your quest to get the job.

While it’s a great opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and overall alignment, you must be careful not to say anything that could have an unintended consequence. 

Usually, it’s smart to steer clear of bragging, negative comments, and overly personal information. Instead, you can make a strong impression by emphasizing past successes and demonstrating why your strengths make you the ideal candidate.

Prepare yourself properly to answer why they should hire you, with –
  1. Why should we hire you? – Learn to Answer Smartly
  2. 16 Impactful Sample Answers for – Why should we hire you?

Sample Answer –

“As a Marketing Director, I have the experience and expertise to help your business reach its full potential. With my deep understanding of digital marketing strategies and tactics, I can create campaigns that will drive sales, increase brand awareness, and build customer loyalty. Additionally, I am passionate about working with people of all backgrounds to create an inclusive environment where everyone can achieve their goals.”

20. What value will you add to our company interview answer?

Interviewers pose the question of what value you can add to their company for a variety of reasons. 

Primarily, they wish to determine if you are the right fit for the role. They access if you can help bolster their team in a way that other job applicants cannot.

They want to see how much you know about yourself and the job opportunity. Finally, they are seeking to see some real alignment between what you bring and what the job entails.  

Being overly confident conveying things such as “my skills allow me to outshine my peers” come off as arrogant rather than talented. It conveys a lack of professionalism in how you portray yourself and potentially leads to lost opportunities. 

Instead, focus on sharing experiences and explaining why unique qualities make you perfect for the job and can bring value different from other candidates. 

Time to carefully learn how to position yourself when asked about the value you bring –

What value will you add to our company? – Answer Deftly

Sample Answer –

“As an SEO Lead, I will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your team. My extensive search engine optimization (SEO) background allows me to provide unique insights into the complex dynamics of organic search engine rankings. By leveraging my technical SEO and content marketing understanding, I can help your business achieve improved visibility within the relevant search engine.”

21. What are your Strengths And Weaknesses?

The question ‘What are your Strengths And Weaknesses?’ is often asked as it provides deeper insight into a your skills and personality. It gives the interviewer a better sense of who you are and how you could fit into the organization. 

It is important to take the time to answer this question thoughtfully without exaggerating or underselling yourself. It is okay, to be honest about weaknesses, but don’t focus too much on them, and explain how you are improving them. 

Avoid phrases like “I work too hard” or “I care too much,” since these might come across as trying to gain sympathy and not something beneficial in the workplace. 

3 Articles that will make you master interview questions on your strengths and weaknesses –
  1. How to smartly answer – What are your Strengths and Weaknesses?
  2. 200+ Strengths and Weaknesses for Interview – Largest Collection
  3. How to Cleverly Answer Questions on Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Sample Answer –

“My strengths include being highly organized and having the ability to prioritize tasks. In addition, I have excellent communication skills and am comfortable presenting information or ideas to large groups of people. My weaknesses include being easily overwhelmed by large, complex tasks. I also sometimes struggle to be assertive in difficult situations, and I can be too hard on myself when things don’t go perfectly.”

22. What is your Biggest Weakness?

There can be a few questions that can be as tough to answer as this one. Essentially the interviewer has put you on the spot.

This interview question unnerves you. You are totally uncertain about what to show and what to hide. You feel deep down that this can damage your possibility of getting the job. In this uncertainty, you generally come up with a vague response often blabbering things that may further harm your chances.

Interviewers, on the other end, are simply trying to get a feel of your self-awareness. They want to know if you can look at yourself and your shortcomings honestly.

They can see if you are comfortable being yourself even with your weaknesses. It shows your emotional maturity and confidence.

Finally, interviewers want to ensure that your weaknesses don’t come in the way of your performance on the job!

This is why you need to prepare carefully to answer interview questions on weaknesses, with –

How to Intelligently Answer Questions on Weakness in the Interview

Sample Answer –

“I always have this can-do attitude, which at times hampers my ability to take help from others. Deep down I may feel a bit inferior while asking for help. I think this is just a misconception.

So, when I missed the deadline for the project last time, I understood that I need to improve upon this. I read a bunch of articles about the art of asking help from others. Watched a few good videos. These days I am starting to find myself at ease when taking help or asking for help from others at work.”


23. How long will you work for us?

Interviewers typically ask, “How long will you work for us?” to gauge your real interest in the job. It can indicate to them whether you are interested in a short-term or long-term commitment with their company.

The ideal response highlights your enthusiasm and interest in a long-term arrangement. 

When giving your answer, it is important not to make guarantees but to remain positive yet realistic. Additionally, steer clear of firm statements that limit a potential duration, such as saying “just until the project” or “just until I get another job.” 

Remaining open to discussing plans with the potential employer and meeting expectations through hard work is an ideal answer that promotes openness and motivation for the position.

Learn how to handle interview questions about your potential tenure with new employers with –

How long will you work with us? – Learn how to answer it respectably

Sample Answer –

“I am ready to dedicate myself fully to working with your organization for as long as possible to see successful results. I have a strong commitment to excellence and a willingness to learn new ideas and techniques to bring all my skills and knowledge to the team.”


24. Are you aiming for further studies?

With this question, interviewers know if you are looking at this potential job as a long-term career or simply a stepping stone. Especially if you are a fresher, they will ask you about your plans for higher study.

You should think carefully before answering. There are ways that you can put it across in such a way that interviewers actually appreciate you for your honesty. 

Check how you can handle interview questions about your higher education plans –

Are you aiming for further studies? – A Fresher Interview question

Sample Answer –

“No, I am not currently aiming for further studies. However, I am always open to exploring opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills.

25. Why did you choose this career? 

Here interviewers are looking to understand your motivations and assess whether you have made the right choice. Therefore, while responding, it is important that you tell a story of your journey – how you came to be in this position and why you are passionate about it. 

Most importantly, remember not to say things like “I’m here for the money” or “I had no other option but this career”. Instead, focus on highlighting how this area of work captures your curiosity and drives you to learn more about it. 

Talk about how each experience has helped shape your ambitions, challenged your boundaries, and eventually led you to what brings out the best in you.

Learn to deliver an impactful response to questions about your career choice –

Why did you choose this career? – How to answer convincingly

Sample Answer –

“I chose this career because I have a passion for helping others and positively impacting the community. I have always enjoyed working with people, so this career allows me to use my skills and abilities to support those who need it the most. In addition, I love the challenge of solving complex problems and finding innovative solutions that can make a difference in people’s lives.”


26. Are you willing to relocate? 

It’s a loaded question that comes with its own challenges. If you have to relocate, there are several adjustments that you will need to make in your life. Interviewers want to know if you are willing to make them.

To effectively answer the interviewer and keep them interested, it is important to know what not to say. Avoid being overly eager by saying things like “absolutely” or falsely claiming that you’re more open to relocation than you may be. 

However, if your response overall feels enthusiastic, it is a strong indication of your interest in the job opportunity. It can naturally make you a preferred candidate for the job position.

Check out how you answer questions about relocation for job opportunity –

Are you willing to relocate? – Answer Maturedly

Sample Answer –

“I am open to relocating for a professional opportunity that meets my career objectives. Moving to a new city can be difficult, but I am confident in adjusting and thriving in a new environment.”

27. Do you have any questions for us?

Interviewers often ask, “Do you have any questions for us?” to gain insight into your thought process. This shows that the interviewer is interested to know how well you researched the position and company. They can learn how curious you are. 

It also allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of pertinent industry topics and genuine interest in the potential job. Remember not to ask questions that can be answered by reviewing the company website or other sources. 

In addition, avoid asking generic questions that could apply to any employer, such as “What type of benefits do you offer?” Instead, questions should be unique and tailored to this particular position and employer.

Finally, asking thoughtful, engaging questions displays initiative and enthusiasm for the role, which most employers highly value.

Learn to ask which question to ask the interviewer during your interviews –

Do you have any questions for us? – What should you ask the interviewer?

Questions you can ask the Interviewer

  • What are the most important skills for success in this role?
  • How does your organization prioritize customer service?
  • What type of feedback do you give to employees?
  • Can you tell me about the team I would be working with?
  • What challenges have previous people in this position faced, and how did they overcome them?
  • What opportunities exist for growth within the company?

28. What are your salary expectations?

Hiring managers ask this question to ensure they are offering a competitive pay rate and also to get an idea of what the potential applicant is after. When responding to this query, it’s important not to give a number that is either too low or too high, as it will reflect on how you value yourself as a candidate. 

It is best practice to avoid disclosing exact salary figures and instead focus on providing information about what makes you valuable and highlights why you are the right fit for the job. This puts the interviewer in a position to offer you an appropriate wage for your skill set. 

Learn to respond to interview questions on your salary expectations cleverly

What are your salary expectations? – How do you answer this smartly?

Sample Answer –

“My experience and qualifications guide my salary expectations. I am looking for a competitive salary commensurate with my background and the position’s responsibilities. I have over seven years of experience within the field and have consistently taken on more complex, challenging roles, which has helped me to expand my expertise and grow professionally.”

29. What are Your Hobbies?

Employers want to hire individuals who they believe will be a natural fit within their company. One way employers evaluate this in you is by asking you about your hobbies. 

In many contexts, hobbies can showcase a range of interests that can potentially have relevance to the job at hand. 

For instance, if you have volunteered for a local charity organization for years and are applying for a role in marketing, it may indicate that you already understand how to activate social networks and reach out to target audiences. It will also show your natural instinct to serve as well as your nature to take initiative.

On the other hand, certain hobbies could have a negative impact on perceptions during an interview. Interviewees should especially avoid discussing political or religious affiliations or practices and activities that could lead others to question their judgment or professionalism.

Prepare your elegant answers for interview questions about your hobbies with –
  1. What are your hobbies? – Answer Elegantly
  2. 101 Sample Answers to kick off your imagination to answer – What are your hobbies?

You can also steer interviewers to ask questions about your hobbies by adding hobbies to your resume and showcasing your areas of interest in your cv.

Sample Answer –

“My hobbies are quite varied, and I enjoy exploring different activities. One of my favorite things to do is read; I’m particularly fond of historical fiction, fantasy, and non-fiction books about interesting topics such as science, psychology, and literature. I also love traveling and experiencing new cultures and places.”


30. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

This question is a chance to share your vision of the future and set yourself apart from other applicants. However, some answers may appear too ambitious, unrealistic, or lacking specificity. Therefore, it’s important to know what not to say when talking about your plans. 

For instance, avoid vague claims such as “being successful” without providing context. Similarly, avoid demonstrating that you are considering alternative paths like further education or taking a break for travel.

It can leave potential employers feeling uncertain about committing resources to applicants who haven’t decided what direction they want their careers to take.

See how you can impactfully answer interview questions on your career plans –

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? – How do you answer it impressively

Sample Answer –

“In five years, I see myself as an experienced and well-regarded editor. I strive to continuously develop and hone my skills to provide clients with the highest quality work possible. In the coming years, I want to become a more knowledgeable and efficient editor who can produce content that stands out for its accuracy and detail.”

31. Walk me through your resume.

This question serves interviewers to really understand and get a sense of who you are as a candidate. They want to know what you have done, and how far you have progressed in your career, in your own words!

In addition, it can be a great opportunity to showcase the skills you possess that the interviewer cannot see just by looking at your resume. 

A key thing to remember, though, is to tell an engaging story about your career or work without bragging or exaggerating. You should focus on keeping a positive tone that conveys confidence. Avoid being too boastful about previous successes.

Know how you can impressively talk about your resume and work during an interview –

Walk me through your resume – How to explain it engagingly

Sample Answer –

My name is John Williams and I am a passionate software engineer. I have a strong background in programming, software development, and computer engineering.

I earned my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego. During this time, I also gained invaluable experience in software development while participating in various research projects with the department of computer science.

I have worked on a variety of projects, from developing custom software applications to participating in cutting-edge research projects. My experience includes the design and implementation of large databases, web and mobile development, system administration, and much more.”

32. What are your career goals?

This question helps hiring managers get a better understanding of where you see yourself in the future.

By hearing your direction, they can assess whether you are a good fit for the organization and determine if this is the right point in time for both parties to come together. 

To deliver the best outcome, however, it’s important that you don’t provide answers such as “I want to make lots of money” or “I want to be famous.” These responses can often make the interviewer question your dedication to pursuing a career rather than a lifestyle and miss out on showing how passionate and driven you really are. 

Focus on responding with detail-oriented goals that articulate how your abilities and interest would contribute to their cause instead.

2 Articles to help you answer interview questions about your career goals –
  1. What are your career goals? – How to answer it impressively
  2. How to set SMART career goals effectively? Why are they critical to your career aspirations?

Sample Answer –

“My career goal is to use my knowledge and expertise to become a leader in my field. I am passionate about making an impact through the innovative ideas and solutions I can bring to the table. I want to be able to make a difference in the industry by being a part of teams and organizations that are committed to driving positive change.”


33. What do you know about our company? 

Asking potential candidates what they know about a company is one of the most common questions asked during an interview. Often, its intention is to assess how acquainted an individual is with the company and if they have taken the time to research it beyond the job listing. 

Generally, this isn’t a chance for you to promote yourselves or showcase your salesmanship. Instead, it’s a moment in which interviewers want quality answers. Feel free to answer questions honestly but don’t fabricate stories or invent ways in which you have connections that you have not made yet. 

Prepare yourself well to answer interview questions about your research of the employer –

What do you know about our company? – Tackle it intelligently

Sample Answer –

“I know that your company is dedicated to innovation and is looking for leaders within the industry who can bring fresh ideas and solutions to drive positive change. I am excited to be a part of an organization that is passionate about making an impact and committed to excellence. I am confident that I have the knowledge, expertise, and ambition necessary to become a leader in my field with your organization.”

34. Have you been on a team where Someone is Not pulling their weight?

Interviewers often ask about times when you’ve been part of an ineffective team to gain insight into your leadership or people management skills.

How you approach answering this question is important as what we say can give recruiters a window into how you can handle conflicts at the workplace. 

It’s essential to avoid blaming any particular teammate when talking about the experience, as this can come across poorly. Instead, focus on why the team might have been struggling and how you adapted to ensure that results were still produced. 

Maintaining a balanced but honest tone of voice when responding will ensure recruiters gain an understanding of situations without painting themselves in a negative light.

Learn how to answer this question effectively with –

Have you been on a team where someone is NOT pulling their weight?

Sample Answer –

“Yes, I have been on a team where someone was not pulling their weight. It was an incredibly frustrating experience, as it often felt like no matter how hard the rest of us worked, this individual’s lack of effort was constantly undermining our progress. It was especially difficult to watch because the person in question had a lot of potential, but for some reason, they simply weren’t living up to it.

In the end, we had a frank conversation about what was going on and why this person wasn’t contributing as much as the rest of us. It ended up being productive, and after explaining their issues and coming to an agreement on how to move forward, the person began to contribute more and ended up being a valuable part of the team.”

35. What sets you apart from other candidates?

This question offers interviewers an opportunity to identify aspects that could differentiate you from other applicants. What you say can either impress them or take away the steam in the interview. So you want to answer this question rather carefully.

Your tone is almost equally as important as what you say when you respond. Storytelling can be an effective approach to conveying the specifics of why your qualities are special. 

Avoid short answers or braggadocious statements such as “I’m smarter than everybody else”. Stay clear of empty adjectives such as “I’m diligent”. Instead, focus on connecting personal anecdotes that demonstrate your abilities with concrete results.

Remember, “Specific is Terrific” when answering this question!

Learn how to answer interview questions that make you differentiate yourself from others –

What sets you apart from other candidates? – Learn how to answer it deftly

Sample Answer –

“I believe what sets me apart from other candidates is my diverse set of experiences, both professionally and academically. In terms of professional experience, I have over 7 years in the Supply Chain/Logistics field, which has enabled me to build an extensive network of contacts and resources within the industry.”

Things you can learn beyond these Common Interview Questions

While there are no perfect answers to any of these common interview questions, preparing in advance will give you the confidence you need to ace the interview. Reviewing commonly asked Interview Questions ahead of time can help you prepare your own great responses, custom-tailored to each question. 

8 Articles that will help you crack any interview

  1. Tackling Interview Anxiety – How to calm your nerves During an Interview?
  2. Not getting Interview Calls? – How do you fix it?
  3. Mastering Telephonic Interviews – How to Ace Them Comfortably
  4. Second Biggest Question on Interviewer’s mind when hiring you
  5. 27 Common Interview Mistakes to Avoid Immediately
  6. How to Explain Yourself Clearly in an Interview? ( 3 Powerful Tactics )
  7. 15 Important Skills that boost your Interview Performance
  8. How do you answer interview questions confidently?

Feeling well-prepared going into an interview will help alleviate some nervousness and allow you to say what you really mean instead of getting tongue-tied. Did we miss any other important questions? Let us know in the comments below.

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