How will you talk about the company during interview?

What do you know about our company? – Fresher Interview Question

When you are a fresher or in the first 3 to 4 years of your career, you may find interviews daunting. You may have experienced a few times you had performed well in an interview. You were confident of getting the job opportunity. But somehow, you didn’t clear it even when you were confident that you had handled the interview questions well. If you think deeper, there were questions that gave you chance to speak at length and those may have been the ones that gave you the expectation of a positive outcome. Being a newbie you gave it your full effort. And somehow, instead of it working out well for you, it cost you the position. One such fresher interview question is – “What do you know about our company?”

Let us explore how this seemingly simple question is tricky and hamper your chances.

Why do interviewers ask “ What do you know about our company?

The interviewers want to know why and how much a candidate is interested in taking up the job. If the candidate is unable to convince the panel about his deep interest in the concerned job, he’ll lose the chance of getting it even if his CV is well suited for the position. They need to make sure that the candidates are not applying just for the sake of the salary or some other usual reasons related to survival. They want to know that you want to thrive.

The amount of hard work and effort put in by the candidate in the research of the respective company becomes important here. It reflects his work ethic and dedication towards the post. The interviewer needs to be sure that you are thorough in your approach and ready to take the required effort where needed. If you show insightful knowledge about the company, your chances of winning can considerably increase.

The interviewers would also try assessing the motivation for a candidate to join their specific organization. Therefore, it’s essential on your part to try and showcase your detailed understanding of the company which will help you stand out among other applicants.

But how will you do that? What all do you need to know about the company before your interview?

What should you know about the company?

Let’s dive into the key aspects of the company that you should know.

1. What type of company is it? Is it a private company, public company, statutory company, non-profitable organization, or a government institute … you get the drift. In other words, what type of legal entity is it.

2. The interviewers will be really impressed if the candidate is able to brief about the background of the company such as date of establishment, the vision of the organization, etc.

3. When you want to sound interested in joining a particular company, you should have thorough knowledge about the products it manufactures or deals with and the class of customers targeted.

4. You should also know about the partners and branches of the specific company if they have any. The reach of the company, whether it has an international audience or not, the main region of trade are vital information the candidate needs to go through.

5. Analyze the different parts of the organization’s structuring and profit it earns including how much the company is worth and the number of individuals they employ. Such an overview of the company would make the candidate seem very motivated towards the job.

6. Social media should not only be used as a mode of entertainment. It can be powerfully used to track the company’s handles which keeps you updated with regular news. You can also do this by following the company’s website. Check their Linkedin profile and go over what they share there.

7. If you can, try to keep a check on the regular fluctuation of stocks of the concerned company. Would provide you with a basic idea about the financial condition of the company. 

How to prepare your answer for this fresher interview question?

We’ve already covered the key areas that need your attention while talking about the company. That said, it is also critical for you to know how we can approach your answer to this question.

Let’s now discuss the specifics of the approach to boost your preparation –

1. First Conduct research about the company diligently

We covered what to know about the company above. But, it’s extremely important for you to get this information about the organization well in advance. This makes it easy for you to remember the company’s sales, vision or motive, industrial history as primary concerns when you are to share it during the interview. Above all, this gives significant clue about you having ample confidence to apply for this job.

2. Prepare precise and Relevant points only

From the data that you have gathered during your research, you need to smartly sort out specific points while addressing the oral round. Take special notes and showcase your interest in some significant achievement or upcoming projects of the company that is relevant to the position you are applying for. Don’t venture into information that isn’t relevant to the question asked or the position. It can create a negative perception.

3. Focus on the positive sides of the company’s story

Zero in on discussing the contributions of the institution, significant achievements in the organization’s set of experiences. Talk about the brand’s purpose and qualities that line up with your vocation or individual objectives.

It is advisable not to drive the conversation towards the company’s failures. It may come across as you having an unnecessary attitude or ego. It may also portray you as a show-off.

However, please do not delve into unrealistic and false praises. For example, if you compliment a startup company, with less than 50 employees, by saying that they’re the biggest name you’ve heard in their field, they’ll immediately assume you cannot be trusted and you use praise in an insincere manner.

4. Show your natural enthusiasm towards the job

Throughout the meeting, you should make it clear to the interviewer that you are keen to win the job opportunity. It is not just what you speak. How you speak, what is your tone, what is the choice of your words, and what are your energy levels when you are talking about the company, tell the interviewers the real story.

If you are talking about the company’s strengths, achievements, or opportunities but you seem disconnected from them, then for the interviewer you are faking it. The interviewer is also watching your body language keenly. It needs to convey interest and enthusiasm.

Now let us look at some sample answers that you can get ideas from.

Sample answers to help with this fresher interview question

Before we show you these sample responses, remember that these are only for your inspiration and give you a nudge in the right direction. Do not think of them as ideal answers or try to use them as it is in your interview.

1. “I’m really intrigued by your organization’s accomplishments and statement of purpose. I see that a lot of elements that are vital for this company are critical to me as well. I have consistently respected the way that this organization has had such a solid spotlight on conveying top-quality client care. As far as I reckon, I have observed that customers are treated very warmly by your institution. While negotiating with the clients, you focus on delivering the utmost satisfaction and also keep the company’s image high. I can see how much I can learn here about client handling.”

2. “I like this organization’s vision to bring the highest innovation in the space of medical technology. I believe that advancement and innovation are primary requirements in any industry particularly in the area of technology, and this company is consistently creating breakthroughs. In this previous year alone, you have faced many hurdles as you are entering various business sectors, all of which have been very carefully handled. Innovation inspires me. So I feel a natural alignment with this company and I would like to imagine that I will be a good resource for your team.”

3. “I recently went over your website and came to know that you’re one of the top data security organizations in India. You have served 100+ companies including IT giants like Tata Consultancy Service, Wipro Limited, etc. I additionally read a news article featuring your hope to venture into offering security assistance to monetary foundations too. It has also come to my notice that your company is recently intending to move globally. If it’s true? Could you share some more information about this?”

Things to keep in mind while answering this interview question

a. Stick to relevant topics like the products they manufacture, administration, mission, history, things that separate them from other rival companies.

b. Sound enthusiastic while you’re answering the question. The more you talk about this way, the higher involvement that the interviewer sees in you.

c. Keep your response short and crisp. It’s smarter to showcase two things that you are well aware of, rather than talking about to five or six factoids that aren’t accurate.

d. Try finishing your answers with a question to the interviewer. This will transform your monologue into a discussion. Impress the interviewer with your keenness to know more.

f. Try and showcase how your recruitment would not only help your company but also help you grow as a person or professional. Tell them the areas from where you can acquire knowledge and experience.

g. Even if you have to mention the challenges the company is facing, be brief and to the point. Keep that to the shortest possible limit. This can showcase your maturity in handling topics that are difficult to discuss.

h. Last but not least – practice this at least once. Make sure you’ve prepared your response well but avoid memorizing everything. You want to sound confident and be in control.


We are generally more focused on preparing the technical questions and often tend to overlook these seemingly simple questions. However, if answered correctly, you will earn some useful brownie points and be better placed. Hope you find this article useful. We have covered many such questions which can check out here

Here is one related fresher interview question for you:

What interests you about this sales position?

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