objection handling

How to figure out customer objections in just 2 minutes?

One of the most feared stage in selling is “objection handling”. But for you to handle them, you first need to figure out the customer objections! 

Objections create certain negativity. They can make you defensive. They can create a small contest between you and your customer. 

They may become a wall that is hard to break, in order to take the sales process in its next stages. 

What makes objection handling so much stressful for salespeople? 

First, it is because of the mindset of the salespeople. They tend to think that the buyer is trying to delay or cancel the his decision to buy. It may also be seen as a smoke screen that the customer is creating for the sales person. 

What mindset is helpful when handling objections? 

You need to understand that objections most of the time are genuine questions and concerns that the buyer may have.

After all, it is him who is betting or investing his money for what you are selling! Isn’t he going to take some time to think it through? Isn’t it important to have this empathy towards your customer? 

Once, the objections are taken in a positive and empathetic fashion, the whole picture starts changing. 

It starts changing your tone, speed of talking, and your demeanor start radiating positivity and calmness. This makes the buyer naturally feel more comfortable. 

Now the sales person is not looking that salsy or pushy! 

What is the second barrier in the objection handling process? 

It is that the sales professionals are not fully prepared for what the buyers may say in this stage. 

We understand that you are not always going to know everything that your customer may ask. However, as a salesperson it is important that you know your buyers well. You may already have made a few sales before, which may have given you some insight about the concerns of your buyers.   

It is in this stage, that Kevin Dorcey, the famous sales coach, has a great suggestion. 
He finds “Micro Role Plays” incredibly valuable to figure out the objections beforehand. 

They can be done in person, over the phone, over video call, and even over whatsapp chat.

He plays a specific game with his managers, which he calls the ‘What If’ funnel.

In his words: 

Manager: KD what do you think I should do here.

KD: Probably asks some deep philosophical question to get them thinking.

Manager: Ok so I should probably do X?

KD: Sounds right to me, but WHAT IF the rep says this?

Manager: Then I’ll do X

KD: But but but what if the rep says THIS?!

Manager: Hmm, then I’ll probably do Y.

KD: But what if the rep does that absolute opposite of what you’re expecting?! Then what will you do!?

Manager: I’d go for move Z at that point.

KD: Is there any way to get ahead of any of the potential trip-ups?

Manager: Yep, I got this.

KD: Namaste

Hoping that an objection doesn’t occur, is a bad sales strategy!

And for a simple reason – Objections invariably come in selling. 

So use the “what if” funnel 6-7 times in the conversation with your manager or in your mind. Use a pen and paper if needed to note down all the things that your customer may say. 

Here is a good news: Now you are READY to deal with that heavily interested prospect. Why would he ask you anything, if he is not interested! 

Do you know how much time this process can take for you? 

It can be as less as a minute or 2. 

WHAT IF you never played the “what if” funnel? 
How can it impact your sales numbers?

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