Professional Summary on Resume - How to write it impactfully?

Professional Summary for Resume – How to craft an Impressive Professional Summary in a Resume

A professional summary for resume is your first chance to attract recruiter’s attention!
Learn to craft it impressively and get more interview calls!

Think about the last time you read a resume. What stands out to you? If you’re like most people, the first thing that grabs your attention is a professional summary in a resume. 

The summary section of a resume is key for grabbing the reader’s attention and making them want to learn more about you. 

But what makes a good professional summary? And how do you write an impactful resume summary that will make potential employers take notice?

Hiring managers typically spend less than thirty seconds looking at resumes, with some estimates putting the number as low as 24 seconds. This means that a powerful resume summary is a must if you want recruiters to read your resume further!

Now that’s worrying… 

This blog post will discuss how to write a professional summary for your resume and provide tips on what to include. Let’s get started!



What is a good professional summary for a resume?

A professional summary on a resume is a brief, targeted statement highlighting your relevant experience and skills.

It should be placed at the top of your resume and serve as an introduction to potential employers. 

While crafting a summary in your resume, focus on showcasing the value you can bring to the company and specific examples of success in past roles.

It is important to tailor your summary for each job you apply for, highlighting the most relevant qualifications and adjusting language to match the job description.

It is also known as a “career objective” or “career summary”. You should briefly state what you do and how you can help an organization achieve its goals.

This is to highlight your skills and experience and show an employer why you are the best candidate for the job.

Generally, a professional summary should be no more than five sentences long. And it’s important to tailor it to each individual job opening that you apply for. 

A strong professional summary can help catch an employer’s attention and make them excited about bringing you on for the role.

However, it is important not to overstate or exaggerate your qualifications. Instead, focus on accurately demonstrating how you will be a valuable asset to the team.



Why do I need a professional summary in my resume?

Let us start with an even more basic question – Do I need a summary on my resume?

To be honest, you don’t need a professional summary on your resume, especially if you have stand-out credentials. But how many of us have them in our careers? Let us be honest.

Also, if you can write a powerful and convincing one, it will help to set you apart from the competition. In other words, you want a professional summary in your resume!

A professional summary in a resume, is a great way and your first chance to show off your skills and experience shortly and concisely!

It can also help to explain quickly why you are interested in the position you are applying for. 

So if you have the time and can write a good one, it’s definitely worth including. But if not, don’t worry too much about it – plenty of other things are more important on your resume.



[ Learn more with: Resume Summary for Freshers – How to make it Impactful ]



How to Craft the Perfect Professional Summary for Resume

1. Start with a strong opening sentence that outlines your professional goals.

A strong opening sentence for a professional summary on a resume could be something like, “As an experienced project manager, I am seeking to leverage my skills and expertise in driving successful projects to benefit the company’s bottom line.” 

This immediately conveys the job title and goal – to use project management skills in a way that will benefit the company financially. 

Another example is a “Seasoned marketing professional with a passion for creating innovative campaigns and strategies that drive brand awareness and sales growth.” 

This introduction highlights both the job title and key strengths. It also states a specific goal – creating campaigns that increase brand recognition and sales. 

In either case, start with a strong, clear statement helps grab the hiring manager’s attention and establish your career ambitions.



[ You can learn this with examples from – 30+ Sample Answers for – What are your Career Aspirations ]



2. Use specific examples and keywords to illustrate your skills and experience.

An impactful professional summary on a resume should grab the reader’s attention and highlight your most relevant qualifications for the job. 

Take, for example, a candidate applying for a computer programming position. Instead of simply stating “experienced in computer programming,” they could use specific languages and technology skills as evidence:

“Expertise in Java and C++ programming, with 5 years experience in HTML and CSS. Achieved increased efficiency by implementing an SQL database for company X’s customer management system.”

This shows that the candidate has experience in the field and how they have used their skills to benefit previous employers. 

In addition to using specific examples, incorporating industry keywords can help catch hiring managers’ attention and demonstrate field knowledge. Concrete examples and relevant keywords make a professional summary stand out to potential employers.


3. Highlight your Achievements and Successes.

When writing my professional summary for your resume, highlight a standout accomplishment relevant to the job you were applying for. 

For example, as a marketing specialist, you can include that you have increased website traffic by 20% through implementing effective SEO strategies. 

This metric helps move the line from simply bragging about my accomplishments to showing concrete evidence of my experience and success in the field. 

Also, showcase specific successes and outcomes that were particularly relevant to the job. 



[ To learn this deeper, read: How to Smartly Write Achievements in Resume ]



4. Use Positive Language to demonstrate your enthusiasm and genuine interest

Your language in your resume leaves a big impression of you on the hiring manager. If your language conveys enthusiasm, it can attract the recruiter to read further.

By using powerful and descriptive words, you can capture your reader’s attention and leave a lasting impression.

While your resume summary is powerfully portraying your skills and strengths, it should also be infused with your personal brand of energy and excitement.

Employing both professional and enthusiastic words will show the hiring manager that you are enthusiastic about your work and that you have a genuine interest in the position on offer.

Also include keywords that match the job description in the professional summary like:

  • Proven experience 
  • Strong research and data analysis skills
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrated ability to manage multiple priorities simultaneously


“Recently graduated in the field of Banking and Finance, with a focus on investment banking and financial analysis. Skilled in Excel and VBA programming; both of which are excellent foundations for this internship position and  to work well under pressure as well as manage deadlines efficiently.


5. Keep it brief, clear, and free of errors.

A resume should be brief, clear, and free of errors. It should highlight your skills and experience and be tailored to the job you are applying for. Make sure to proofread your resume before you submit it.

10 Benefits of a Professional Summary for a Resume  

  1. A professional summary on a resume is a concise statement that highlights your most relevant skills and experience.
  2. It can help you stand out from other candidates by showcasing your unique qualifications.
  3. It can help you get more interviews by giving employers a quick overview of your skills and experience.
  4. It can help you get hired faster by making it easier for employers to see why you’re a good fit for the job.
  5. It can help you earn more by highlighting your most marketable skills and experience.
  6. It can help you advance your career by making it easier for employers to see how you can contribute to their organization.
  7. It can help you land a job that’s a better match for your skills and experience by making it easier for employers to identify openings that you’re qualified for.
  8. It can help you avoid job scams by making it easier for employers to verify your qualifications.
  9. It can help you protect your privacy by keeping personal information off your resume.
  10. A professional resume summary can help you save time by reducing the time you spend tailoring your resume to each job.

Why will you add a professional summary to your resume?

As you can see, a professional summary for your resume is not difficult to write. 

  • Your resume summary should be a concise overview of your skills and experience
  • It should be no more than 5 sentences long
  • The information in your summary should be tailored to the job you’re applying for
  • Including numbers (e.g., “I’ve increased sales by 20%”) can make your summary more impactful
  • Be sure to highlight your unique selling points

These simple tips will help ensure that yours stands out and effectively communicates why you are the best candidate for the job.

Improve your resume further with – About Me in Resume for Fresher (31 Strong Examples)



Once you get an interview call, it is time to prepare thoroughly. With our “Fresher Interview Questions and Answers“, you can do just that!


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